Lets take a moment to consider what the term Indigenous American means. When people migrate into a foreign area and survive for several thousand years, they are then what Anthropologist refer to as “Indigenous”or the indigenous peoples of that region. In the case of North, Middle and South America, all of the inhabitants of these two continents are from some other part of the world. It is fairly certain that no “Cradle of Civilization” existed on American soil.
The exact truth as to when, how and where the various groups arrived is of course still being debated. There are many points of view and theories abound! As I have stated here in past post, the library is the best place to find answers to your questions , no matter what they might be. Always consider the “Authority” of the author, learn to respect the works of advanced degree scholars from creditable institutions. Also in contrast to this, Folklorist sometimes do write interesting readings based on local tales and legends. So keep an open mind and do read somethings for your own personal pleasure!