Are you ever confused? Do your ideas sometimes change from day to day? I mean that an idea that seemed good, right and logical yesterday, for some reason is not at all proper for today! If you are a normal person the answer is probably yes. Our minds are constantly developing and evolving, as we think, we figure things out. As this process takes place we say that our mind is changing, or that “We have changed our mind”.
When I work with my art work I often say to myself “Why didn't I see that yesterday”? This realization is often particularly true when I work with these artifact stones. I am always amazed when a view that I have become accustom to changes in a flash! Now suddenly the composition is closer to being totally realized. Please do let me point out that it has been my experience that vigorous exercise does often play a part in these realizations. The best time to judge any problem or work is after a walk or some exercise in the gym. One other point, it may help to write what you think in notes to yourself because you may find that the realizations vanish as your metabolism slows down.