In the last years of his life Pablo Picasso painted many paintings. It is interesting to note that in some circles these works were not received as well as his earlier works. Some viewers were disturbed by the shapes or movements in the canvases, they said that they were grotesque. These were strong words for criticizing the works of a master artist. Let me say here that I find the paintings as beautiful as any of his other works. I am particularly interested in these works, because they occur at the end of his life, when he has obviously achieved the ability to paint. I think that it is in these works that we see most clearly his enchantment with the art of the indigenous American artist craftsmen, and even if he knew nothing of their work, the likenesses between the works speaks for its self.
First let us look briefly at “Cubism” as Henry Matisse refereed to the works of Pablo Picasso and George Braque. Barque's paintings were images that reflected a 3 dimensional world, in this way he is connected to centuries of European tradition. On the other hand, Picasso's works were flat, 2 dimensional creations much different in concept. Picasso's paintings were the beginning of a new era in art , an era where abstract designs would replace realism and its insistence on Renaissance perspective.
Now, the point that I would like to make here is that the indigenous American artist had few straight lines in their works, and by all means they cared nothing about square corners! The fact that they were carving or etching the surface of irregular stone, usually a fossil formation, made straight lines difficult or even impossible. Instead they worshiped the beautiful natural designs of nature, the natural capture of life its self, frozen in time. Their compositions were created after careful study of the particular plate.
I think that Picasso was aware of the indigenous American art works, he did tell many people that he was fond of primitive art. He collected African art for certain. I find it strange that we do not find reference to American Indian, that is Indigenous American Indian art more in historical records. Furthermore I even find it difficult to speak of this art, as primitive!