One of the mysteries of the historical past of the Americas is what routes did the first inhabitants use to get here and where did they come from? It is beyond the space available here to deal with such a topic,however I would like to point out some interesting considerations.
In 1947 Thor Heyerdahl proved that a raft could be used to cross the Pacific Ocean. Heyerdahl wrote the book , Kontiki which is the story of this voyage. Heyerdahl was of the persuasion that we as modern men tend to underestimate the stamina and intelligence of stone age men. I think that he thought and actually knew that there had been many unrecorded voyages, and furthermore that many records were just simply ignored by those with preconceived theories about the history of our planet.
China's Historical record is several thousand years old. It may be that the Chinese made many trips to the Americas; better than 3500 years ago. There does appear to be Chinese influence in the art of Eastern Mexico. The Olmec society may have contained Chinese immigrants that came by water, traveling on ships under sail.
Art historians tell us that fine art print making originated in China and Japan. The oriental people were very generous with their knowledge, they were quick to share unselfishly the art with all interested cultures. They no doubt realized that print making was the basis for creating a written language form. Written language is of course the prerequisite for proper records keeping.
Does the above reasoning seem to support the idea that the bird mound at Poverty Point in Eastern Louisiana, and the many other mound sites along the Mississippi River are the result of middle American and Chinese influence?
This is my point, I definitely feel that the print making we are viewing on this Blogspot post is the work of master artist. I believe that from somewhere the American Indians learned first hand about the sophisticated printing practices that their guilds taught. In closing please let me repeat from the above writing, We as Modern Men tend to underestimate the stamina and intelligence of Stone Age Men.
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