Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When stones were precious...

Welcome to this weeks blog post. In our Post Modern consumerist society, it is difficult to imagine what life in the stone age was like. A time when stones were precious. Hands had to learn them well. I am frequently impressed with the shapes of the various tools that I find. One thing That does stand out is how well that many of them fit the human hand. When we look closely we see that they have been carefully carved, smoothed and polished. They come in various sizes like the people that depended on them as tools. If the tool that had to be gripped tightly was rough, cuts and blisters would result. Injuries like that could be life threatening. These art works are the results of mans study of stones.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Study of Earth Science.

Hi! welcome to this weeks blog post. Once again I would like to point out that the best place to learn about Archeology and Anthropology is in a class room. If you are really interested in understanding in depth that is the easy answer The library is also a good place to start but, a good professor will speed up the process. I have realized that it is better to post the weeks images and let you make files and prints so that you can take your questions to a qualified person. I started this blog as a window where anyone could see the art work, especially advanced degree people. It is my hope that sites like this one will increase public interest and support for the creation of museums and that in so doing will further the study of Earth Sciences.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stone Age Printing

Welcome to this weeks Blog post.  I hope that You are enjoying this weekly publishing and that you will continue to view and read this blog. Once again, the art that you see here is the hard work of thousands of Indigenous American Artist. Time has proven their work. We owe all a debt of gratitude for such fine recording.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Can you draw your face?

Welcome, to this weeks blog post.  Believe me! if you saw the stones that these prints come from, you probably would walk right over them and never notice them at all. Down here in the South of Arkansas, gravel is everywhere. If these rare stones become mixed  with ordinary gravel they are lost forever. The printing work of the American Indians is one of the last great records of  their civilization, it is as if we had found a family album that documents their existence. I hope that you will become a witness to this fact, and support those who seek to reclaim all artifacts. This blog is my report to you, it gives you the opportunity to view the stones that have been collected.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Share With Others

Hello, just a short word about viewing these prints... Do keep in mind that this group of art works are quite old. They have been subject to much abuse. It is difficult to print many of the stones due to their irregular shape. I try to put together a show each week, some weeks are better than others. Sometimes I do include prints that are just beautiful abstract art works, I really cannot make out the image. I do hope that you are enjoying this blog and as I have said in the past you are free to make your own files.