Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Supernatural Powers"

Many of the viewers of this blog are interested in jewelery craft. It is true that the American Indians were highly skilled in this fine work. Some of the effigy stones that we will look at over the next few months will be examples of art objects intended as adornment. There was belief in the supernatural powers of some stones. These treasures were guarded and often hidden from view. Sacred rituals were associated with the wearing, and many times these were symbols of maturity and rank. It is also interesting to note that the desire to create miniature art works led to the development of the delicate technologies that have produced our post-modern world.

This week we once again have two birds. The first is very real, a more or less “Traditional” pose. The second is somewhat stylized to fit the cubic nature of the material of its manufacture. This motif is a very common effigy in American Indian art work. Do notice that the head faces the birds tail which seems to emphasize the agility of these delicate creatures.

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